Art in the Park and Safety Event – 11/4/23

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Rainbow Family Park Neighborhood Association members and friends,

The City of Las Vegas, Clark County, and the Rainbow Family Park Neighborhood Association are coming together to sponsor an “Art in the Park” and “Safety Fair” on Saturday, November 4, 2023, at the Rainbow Family Park at 7151 West Oakey.  See the attached flyer for details.
While supplies last, there will be free RFPNA t-shirts, free keyring flashlights, free tacos, free ice cream, and as indicated in the flyer, much more.
In addition, anyone who lives within the boundaries of the Rainbow Family Park Neighborhood Association (Rainbow on the east to Buffalo on the west and Sahara on the south to Charleston on the north) is eligible to enter to win one of three Ring alarm systems (a 5-piece system, an 8-piece system, or a 13-piece system.)  To enter, and if you live within those boundaries, all you need to do is respond to this email with your name and address and you will be automatically entered.  You can also come by the RFPNA booth on the day of the event and enter then.
We are looking forward to seeing you there.  Come out and meet your neighbors and enjoy our lovely park.
Warm regards,
Diane Harrington
Rainbow Family Park Neighborhood Association

Art in the Park – 11/4/23

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